## ## Velocity Template for DisplayUsernamePasswordPage view-state ## ## Velocity context will contain the following properties ## flowExecutionUrl - the form action location ## flowRequestContext - the Spring Web Flow RequestContext ## flowExecutionKey - the SWF execution key (this is built into the flowExecutionUrl) ## profileRequestContext - root of context tree ## authenticationContext - context with authentication request information ## authenticationErrorContext - context with login error state ## authenticationWarningContext - context with login warning state ## ldapResponseContext - context with LDAP state (if using native LDAP) ## rpUIContext - the context with SP UI information from the metadata ## extendedAuthenticationFlows - collection of "extended" AuthenticationFlowDescriptor objects ## passwordPrincipals - contents of the shibboleth.authn.Password.PrincipalOverride bean ## encoder - HTMLEncoder class ## request - HttpServletRequest ## response - HttpServletResponse ## environment - Spring Environment object for property resolution ## custom - arbitrary object injected by deployer ## #set ($rpContext = $profileRequestContext.getSubcontext('net.shibboleth.idp.profile.context.RelyingPartyContext')) #set ($username = $authenticationContext.getSubcontext('net.shibboleth.idp.authn.context.UsernamePasswordContext', true).getUsername()) #set ($passwordEnabled = false) #if (!$passwordPrincipals or $passwordPrincipals.isEmpty() or $authenticationContext.isAcceptable($passwordPrincipals)) #set ($passwordEnabled = true) #end ## #springMessageText("idp.title", "Web Login Service")
#springMessageText( #springMessageText(
#set ($serviceName = $rpUIContext.serviceName) #if ($serviceName && !$rpContext.getRelyingPartyId().contains($serviceName))

#springMessageText("idp.login.loginTo", "Login to") $encoder.encodeForHTML($serviceName)

#if ($passwordEnabled)
#springMessageText("idp.login.donotcache", "Don't Remember Login")
#springMessageText("idp.attribute-release.revoke"," Clear prior granting of permission for release of your information to this service.")
#if ($passwordEnabled) #end #foreach ($extFlow in $extendedAuthenticationFlows) #if ($authenticationContext.isAcceptable($extFlow) and $extFlow.apply(profileRequestContext)) #end #end
#if ($passwordEnabled) #springMessageText("idp.login.forgotPassword", "Forgot your password?") | #end #springMessageText("idp.login.needHelp", "Need Help?")
#set ($logo = $rpUIContext.getLogo()) #if ($logo) $encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute($serviceName) #end
#set ($desc = $rpUIContext.getServiceDescription()) #if ($desc) $encoder.encodeForHTML($desc) #end